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IDS peak 2.0.0 /uEye+ firmware 2.9

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D: Operating uEye cameras with IDS peak

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The uEye Transport Layer extends the camera portfolio that works with IDS peak, including also USB 2.0 cameras. You can control all uEye (UI models) and uEye+ (U3/GV models) cameras with one interface.


Note that the uEye Transport Layer is currently only available for Windows and requires an installation of the latest released version of IDS Software Suite (4.95 or higher) in parallel to IDS peak.

Working principle

Fig. 226: uEye Transport Layer

Fig. 226: uEye Transport Layer

The uEye Transport Layer allows to control uEye (UI models) cameras from within IDS peak, currently making available the basic features:

Image acquisition in freerun with variable frame rate

Image acquisiton in hardware or software trigger mode (excluding trigger controlled exposure)

Hardware trigger configuration: (delay, duration)

Exposure time and pixel clock (excluding fine-exposure or extended pixel clock)

Gain (master and color gains) and black level

Flashing incl. flash configuration (automatic on "ExposureActive" or via delay and duration relative to "ExposureStart")

General Purpose I/O (GPIO)

ROI (region of interest) (width, height, offsets in x- and y-direction)

RAW pixel formats only (debayering can be done on host side, e.g. via IDS peak IPL debayering in IDS peak Cockpit)

Saving and loading parameters to the camera via user sets (no saving to disk!)